Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Today I Shall Laugh Aggressively at Yesterday

So I've told you all about Bradley and I's wonderful find, the Twelve Stone Farm, and how excited we are to book there. Hah. That excitement has gone down the drain. As we left the venue and spoke with them we were told we would be getting an email in regards to local vendors and a first draft of the contract for booking. When we didn't have it Sunday afternoon I called to learn that they had an event that day and she again promised to email me the information, this time by Monday. I called yesterday, Tuesday, afternoon and got her VM so I called the main line where a kind woman informed me that she would talk to the wedding coordinator and she would email me that night. I still have not gotten an email and I am doubtful that I ever will.

We would just go back to the Gwinnett Historic Courthouse but after he fell in love with the Twelve Stone venue, it was clear that he did not like the GHC. This means we're back to venue looking! Now we are looking at country clubs, we still plan on doing the ceremony at the gazebo that the GHC offers, and they do the catering. The price difference for some of these, with my very rough estimate based on price per person and not including any fees, is nothing when you consider that it is a plated meal (much fancier than we would manage at the GHC) and there aren't all of the gosh darned rules that add extra charges.

I am highly looking forward to having a set wedding date, in the meantime, we save as much money as we can and keep on looking.

Approx. 9 months until the wedding.

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Thank you! Have a fantastic day!