Sunday, March 12, 2017

Ring Pillow

When I first got engaged I did the whole magazine/pintirest/blog thing, and there was so much about DIY. I tried to think of ways to do DIY, but really for our wedding there hasn't been much to DIY. Until the ring pillow! We looked at a few in stores, but there weren't many options and Bradley and I didn't really like any. So I picked up an 80c roll of fabric, ribbon, and a small bag of stuffing and sat down to make it. (I did already have things like: sewing machine, needles and thread and stuff, and snaps for the rings.)

Our ring pillow is a little unique in that is has to be fitted to a dog harness for Batman. So I always knew I would have to sew it a little bit. At first it was going to be simply white, but function won out. Since the fabric we found in the scraps bin at the hobby store is really thin, I used bias tape and sewed it on with the blue thread I plan to use on the inside hem of my dress. It added a pretty design to the front, so it worked out. :)

I know this wasn't a very long post, but I wanted to show the pillow! It is so small and cute and I'm so happy with it!!!

34 Days Until the Wedding

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Buying Wedding Bands

I know I usually post this at the end of the post but... 45 days until the wedding! Bradley pointed out of me that the lists for wedding planning (if you don't have one, I recommend the Offbeat Bride one) will be a couple of pages long, and the first couple of pages are 12/9-3 months and then from there it explodes. There is so much to do in the last stretch of wedding planning! I am so thankful we chose our venue because it is all inclusive and very easy! Wedding planning has been so fun.

The last major wedding thing we did was get wedding bands. At some point our officiant said that the exchanging of rings was part of the legal part of the ceremony. Now, a disclaimer, I'm not always a fantastic listener, so what I got out of this was "if something happens and you don't get rings you won't get married". What she probably meant was something else, but nevertheless, I walked into wedding band shopping with a very strict 'this must be done' attitude.

We've looked at bands before, one time when we brought in my engagement ring to be serviced and another when we were walking in the mall. So we knew the prices we were getting into, but it was important for Bradley that we get a ring in store, and since I hadn't fallen in love with any off the low cost alternatives I found online (Berricle sells a variety of gorgeous CZ rings, and even shows plenty of user submitted photos of them, but I just didn't find the one there) I didn't argue.

We first checked out Shane Co, we both love their commercials and it seemed as good a place as any to start. The building looked like a library and had a little pond thing inside, so we felt all of our wildest dreams about the place had been found, but unfortunately hopes were dashed. For starters, all of their rings are very expensive. Yes, they include a lifetime warranty and all that jazz, but they are still much more expensive than other retailers. They also tout their unique and large selection- their actual selection was nothing of the sort. (Though that may be the location we went to, I'm not sure.) Their designs weren't varied and there weren't a lot of options. Overall we were underwhelmed and disappointed that the amazing commercials did not represent an amazing store.

After Shane Co we went to Jared, and wow! The first thing I noticed was how bright the store was, and open. There were so many glass cases! We looked around on our own before we were helped (they hadn't ignored us, we were simply looking around to begin with) and the person who helped us was very helpful and patient. We were both able to find rings and are super excited to wear them. He had to special order his, though, because his hands are so big, and I had to get mine sized down because my hand is so tiny (5 and a half!). I picked them up the other day and we have them sitting put up in shelving.

Isn't it gorgeous?!?!!! It's so detailed and beautiful, and I can't wait to wear it. In fact, I had to put it on and take it off super quick when I tested the size because I was so worried I'd get attached and not take it off.  They didn't have it sitting with all of the rings, it was in another case, which is why I advise you to look around the whole store. I wouldn't have found this one if I hadn't, and it's exactly what I've been describing since I started thinking about it.

Can't wait to put it on and get married!

45 Days Until The Wedding